The business we are in changes people’s lives.
We give our customers opportunities to change their lives, now we have found a way to change our employees’ lives.
Years of the 4 Day Week
Does It Work?
The short answer is yes, and to sum that up we’ve put together a short highlight video of our first 6 months on a 4 Day Work Week.
Our 4 Day Week and 3 Day Weekend allows us to Be Bloody Brilliant. Keep an eye on our social media for more interviews, insights, and opportunities to join us!
It’s a great story – so we wrote a book!
“The 3 Day Weekend”
How a Pioneering Irish Family Business Introduced a 4-Day Week and Increased Profitability, Productivity and Employee Wellbeing.
Get your copy now here!

The 3-Day Weekend survey proves greater enjoyment of work and better company morale
Key Findings of Benchmark Study Illustrate Employees Enjoy Greater Work Motivation and Company Morale as Galway’s ICE Group celebrates, 5th Birthday of its ‘3-Day Weekend’ Initiative. ICE Group, Ireland’s leading recruitment experts on the 4-day working week has...
Four Day Week Ireland
Four Day Week Ireland is a campaign advocating for a gradual, steady, managed transition to a shorter working week for all workers, in the private and public sectors.
People all over the world are calling on Governments and business to implement a shorter working week. Join the movement and sign the international petition today.

The 3 Day Weekend
Having a 3-day weekend enables people to have quality time outside of their job to do the things they want with the people they love.
We value our employees and want to ensure that their quality of life both inside and out of work is as good as it can be.
The 4 Day Work Week
We are introducing a 4 Day Week, with 5 days pay, and 100% Customer Satisfaction.
About ICE Group
We are the leading Recruitment, Training, and Outsourced Services company in the West of Ireland
Work With Us
Take a look at some of the available roles with ICE Group – visit our recruitment website today.

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the 4 Day Week for?
All full-time employees of ICE Group and our companies will be part of Project 475100 - The 4 Day Week.
Will the company only open 4 days per week?
We will continue to operate 6 days per week as normal to ensure 100% satisfaction for our clients. Work patterns will change and improve without affecting our award-winning standards.
What happens on a Bank Holiday weekend?
We aim to uphold the 4 Day Week, which may result in some adjustments for our employees, but will not impact our clients.
Have your staff taken a pay cut for this?
Not at all! The 4 Day Week is designed to increase our personal time and morale. We hope to do the same amount of work in less time by becoming more focused and efficient in the workplace. By doing this, everyone may then enjoy an extra day off each week!
How can I learn more about this initiative?
You've come to the right place.
Over the coming months, we will be updating our Articles, Video, and Social Media with our progress through this brilliant idea.
If you want to talk to our team for advice, simply fill in the Contact Form below.
We Want To Hear From You
Centrepoint Business Centre,
Liosban, Tuam Road, Galway,
Ireland. H91 RYD2
Call Us
(091) 475 100